


Rabbi Daniel Rockoff, M.S. & M.A.
Head of School
Ext 105
Elliot Shriner-Cahn
Director of Finance & Operations
Ext. 133
Amy Ament, M.A. & MS
Associate Head of School
Ext. 144
Rabbi Jeff Ney
Director of Middle School
Ext. 142
Rabbi Nuriel Klinger
Director of Judaic Studies
Ext. 210
Tamar Benjamin
Director, Grades 2-5
Ext. 142
Meredith Rosenblatt
Director, Tots - 1st Grade
Rabbi Dani Rockoff


Prior to moving to Denver in 2019, 拉比·洛克夫曾担任Overland Park的海曼·布兰德希伯来学院(Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy)犹太研究项目主任, KS. 他也是贝斯以色列亚伯拉罕和沃利纳会众的拉比(BIAV), a position he held since 2008. 拉比洛克夫是在叶史瓦大学艾萨克·埃尔查南拉比神学院被任命的, where he also earned an M.S. 阿兹列利犹太教育和行政学院的犹太教育硕士学位,以及硕士学位.A. in Bible from the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies. 他还在密苏里大学堪萨斯城分校完成了公共管理硕士学位. 

A Boston native, Rabbi Rockoff began his career in education, where he taught Judaic Studies to elementary, middle and high school students at the BiCultural Day School in Stamford, CT, and the Rae Kushner Yeshiva High School in Livingston, NJ. His previous rabbinic experience includes internships in Riverdale, NY and Beverly Hills, CA, as well as an assistant rabbi position in West Orange, NJ. 他也是东正教联盟社区和犹太教堂服务部门的项目主管, both on the West Coast and in New York. Rabbi Rockoff is married to Dr. Ayala Zoltan Rockoff, a special educator and school psychologist; together they have four children- Shai, David Aryeh, Ora, and Beni.
Rabbi Jeff Ney serves as the Middle School Director at WDS. 他于2023年加入白龙会团队,在正式和非正式的犹太教育和教育领导方面拥有近20年的经验, most recently as the Director of Torah Guidance at SAR High School.

Rabbi Ney is also the Rabbi of Yoram's Teen Tours (YTT), a five-week tour of the Western US during the summers. 拉比奈伊从叶史瓦大学拉比艾萨克·埃尔查南神学院获得了拉比圣职, as well as his M.S. in Jewish Education from Y.U.'s Azrieli School of Jewish Education and Administration.

拉比奈是一位充满激情的教育家,以他对学生和员工的奉献和奉献而闻名, love of teaching and learning, and wild cheering of his students at athletics events and academic competitions. He loves cooking, a good kumzitz, and spending time with friends and family. Rabbi Ney lives in Bergenfield, NJ with his amazing wife Aviva. They have been blessed with 4 incredible children- Yael, Nachi, Aryeh, and Moshe.
Rabbi Klinger, a native of Columbus, Ohio, came to Westchester Day School in 2021 as the Rabbi-in-Residence.  2023年,他成为WDS犹太研究主任,负责监督Limudei Kodesh课程和小学和中学的教育. 

克林格拉比从叶史瓦大学艾萨克·埃尔查南拉比神学院获得了谢卡, 他在纽约大学伯纳德·雷维尔研究生院获得中世纪犹太历史硕士学位,并在密歇根大学获得经济学学士学位.  除了他在白龙会的角色,他也是斯卡斯代尔青年以色列的副拉比.
Mrs. Ament began her career at Westchester Day School in 2016 as the Middle School Principal. She now serves as Associate Head of School. Prior to joining the WDS Educational Leadership Team, she was the Associate Director at the Jewish New Teacher Project, a division of the New Teacher Center, 在那里,她监督了60多所犹太学校90多名导师和130多名新教师的专业培训和支持, including WDS. During her tenure at JNTP, she personally mentored over 20 teachers. During her two decades in the field of Jewish education, Mrs. Ament served in various professional capacities at several educational institutions, including many years as a classroom teacher in the Boston, Los Angeles, and New York metropolitan areas. She was recently an instructor in the Education Department at Stern College for Women. She has co-authored a Chumash curriculum, published papers in a number of educational journals, and has been a sought after presenter at national Jewish education conferences. Amy holds a B.A. from Binghamton University in History and Judaic Studies, an M.S. in Administration and Supervision from Yeshiva University, and an M.A. from Brandeis University's Hornstein Program in Jewish Communal Service. 她和丈夫乔纳森(Jonathon)以及三个孩子以斯拉(Ezra)、约书亚(Joshua)和阿迪娜(Adina)住在白原市.
Elliot Shriner-Cahn has joined our team as our Director of Finance and Operations.  Elliot是一位经验丰富的非营利组织高管,在组织领导和财务管理方面拥有超过十年的经验. Most recently, Elliot was the CFO and Development Director at Camp Zeke, which he helped to grow from a startup into a thriving nonprofit organization.  

Elliot很高兴有机会加入威彻斯特走读学校大家庭,并为WDS带来同样程度的奉献和承诺,这使他在过去的工作中取得了成功.  Outside of work, Elliot enjoys biking around New York, cooking for family and friends, and spending time with his wife, Judy, one-year old daughter, Hila, and their two dogs, Ruby and Gus.
Morah Meri在WDS担任受人喜爱的Ganon和早期小学教育工作者超过20年,并赢得了善良的声誉, responsive, creative, driven, and growth-minded teacher. 
Morah Meri拥有福特汉姆大学教育学院幼儿和特殊教育双硕士学位. She is certified in Early Childhood and Special Education through grade 12. During her tenure at WDS, she has taught Ganon, Kindergarten and 1st grade. Prior to coming to WDS, Morah Meri taught pre-K, kindergarten and 1st grade at the Rodeph Sholom School in Manhattan. 她在会众科尔阿米希伯来学校担任教师和希伯来语课程协调员已有15年. For 9 years she was the 3rd-5th grade girls Division Head at Camp Seneca Lake.
Ms. 本杰明是一位教育大师,他教三年级通识课已经八年了, most recently at the Maimonides School in Brookline, MA. 她是学院领导团队的一员,负责规划校内员工的专业发展,并在Data-Wise项目中指导教师, 这是一个哈佛教育学院的项目,支持教育工作者使用协作数据查询来推动所有学生的教学和学习的持续改进. 在迈蒙尼德之前,她在马萨诸塞州诺伍德的凯希拉谢克特学院教三年级.
 Ms. 本杰明获得波士顿大学会德丰学院综合基础和特殊教育教育学硕士学位, and a BA in Psychology from American University. 她采用创新的教育方法,并致力于对学生的生活产生影响. 

School Board


Aaron Lauchheimer


Adam Bensley
Executive Vice President

Susan Wachsstock

Russie Berger

Ben Bernstein
Trustees - Term Expires 2023
Russie Berger* Michelle Cohen* Malka Helft Sam Groner*
Robyn Shapiro Haley Toledano Joshua Trump

*Executive Board Member
Trustees - Term Expires 2024
Adam Bensley* Ben Bernstein Jared Dinkes Dani Gold
George Puro Jonathan Rosenfeld Yael Schulman

*Executive Board Member
Trustees - Term Expires 2025

Jack Bodner* Michelle Bernstein Goldberg Alex Kahn Aaron Lauchheimer*
Jessica Katz* Leah Ben David Susan Wachsstock*

*Executive Board Member
Honorary Trustees
Lawrence Gorfinkle** Don Motzkin** Barbara Plotnick Mortimer Propp**

Associate Trustees
Diana Schwartz Anate Brauer Seth Cohen Dan Gewanter
Matthew Levitan  Dan Kosowsky Matt Schatzkes Rachel Weber
Erin Gelfand

Find Us

856 Orienta Avenue
Mamaroneck, NY 10543

Who We Are

威彻斯特走读学校是一所现代正统,男女同校,双课程,幼儿到8岁th 这是一所犹太学校,以他们自己的方式激励和教育我们的学生重视人性, mitzvot, and lifelong learning.