


  • 在网上制作礼物

    现金礼物: These gifts are the simplest form of support you can give to 威彻斯特走读学校. 捐款可以个人支票缴付, 签证, 万事达卡, 美国运通, 发现或电子银行转账.  当你用现金作为礼物的时候, you are entitled to an income tax deduction of the amount 受扣税限制. For more information on this type of gift, contact Rachel Fischer at 914-698-8900 ext. 134或发电子邮件至 development@eagle1027.com
    • 现在用信用卡做礼物, 点击这里.
    • 发送 检查, please make the 检查 payable to 威彻斯特走读学校 东方大道856号 马马罗内克,纽约州10543
    如果你的礼物是针对一个特定的白龙会筹款活动或计划, 请在备忘栏做个记录.

    Make a gift by suggesting it to a foundation or organization such as the Jewish Communal Fund
  • 遗赠

    考虑给白龙会一个持久的礼物. 把学校写进你的遗嘱, 捐献者, 能成为下一代教育的一部分吗. 你可以遗赠一定比例的财产, 给白龙会一笔固定的金额或一笔特定的个人财产. 

  • 递延的礼物

    Your tax advisor(s) can discuss various trusts and other forms of deferred contributions that may benefit WDS and provide lifetime income for you or a loved one. Please consult with your lawyer or financial advisor for specific tax benefits applicable to your personal situation.
  • 实物礼物

    WDS可以接受按公平市场价值赠送的服务. Please contact the Development Office for more information, development@westchesterday.Org或914.69.8900 x 134

  • 人寿保险

    The donor may have a paid up life insurance policy that 捐献者 purchased to fill a need that may no longer exist. This policy may be given to the School with tax benefits for 捐献者. 捐赠人可以购买一份新的保单,并将WDS指定为受益人. 

  • 个人财产

    Art, antiques, jewelry and other valuables are a few examples of gifts of personal property.

  • 房地产

    Gifts of real estate usually allow the avoidance of the capital gains tax and provide a charitable deduction. Lifetime occupancy of a donated residence may be retained through a trust. 

  • 股票的礼物

    Appreciated stocks can be donated to 威彻斯特走读学校 and may be deducted for income tax purposes at full fair market value on the date of the transfer, 没有重大的资本利得税义务.  如果股票存在经纪公司或银行信托账户中:
    Instruct your stock broker/banker by telephone and follow up with a letter to have the stock electronically transferred to WDS's account.
    请通过电子邮件告诉我们你的礼物Rachel Fischer development@eagle1027.com  包含: 
    • 股票的名称和股数
    • 您的姓名、地址和电话号码
    • 礼物的用途
    • 送礼物的日期
    Your tax deduction is based on the median price of the stock on the date of your transfer of ownership to 威彻斯特走读学校
  • 证券礼品

    Gifts of long-term appreciated stock entitle you to an income tax deduction equal to the fair market value of the stock and allow you to avoid the capital gains tax that would have applied had you sold the stock, 受扣税限制.

    Contributions may be made directly through brokerage accounts or by physical delivery of stock certificates and powers.

    Owners of stock in closely held corporations may be able to use a transfer of shares to 威彻斯特走读学校 as part of a succession strategy to plan their estates more effectively.

    有关证券转让的更多资料, and/or to apprise WDS of a stock transfer so that we may promptly and appropriately acknowledge your gift, please call or have your broker or advisor call Elliot Shriner-Cahn at 914-698-8900 ext. 133或电邮 development@eagle1027.com

  • 搭配你的礼物

    The only thing more rewarding than giving a charitable gift to a worthy organization is doubling your investment by getting your employer to match your gift! Many employers offer matching gift programs which provide a valuable way to increase the impact of gifts. 而有些组织不会与宗派组织相匹配, 许多人会, 许多学校将对宗派学校例外. Check with your HR or Finance departments to see if your employer has a matching gift program, 如果他们这样做,确保我们在他们批准的名单上.

    If your employer does match, simply send in the completed form along with your gift to:






威彻斯特走读学校 is a Modern Orthodox, 男女合校, dual-curriculum, toddler to 8th grade Jewish school that inspires and educates our students in their own way to value menschlichkeit, 一下, 终身学习.